• Women writers and artists speaking about the creative process
• Quotes on women writers and artists, and other creative women
Monday, July 21, 2008
Virginia Woolf on women
"And again I am reminded by dipping into newspapers and novels and biographies that when a woman speaks to women she should have something very unpleasant up her sleeve. Women are hard on women. Women dislike women. Women—but are you not sick to death of the word? I can assure you that I am."
This is not a typical "quotes" blog. Rather than succinct sayings or tiny snippets of a writer's work, it is a slowly growing collection of text by and about women writers and artists. It also occasionally delves into how creative women handle marriage and children. The text is taken from creative women themselves, as well as from scholars and others writing about women in the arts.
Frequency of updates
Usually updated once a week. Subscribe to the RSS Feed if you'd like the entries automatically dumped to your email Inbox.
If you have a quote about a creative woman you'd like to include, please send an electronic version to thebethblevins -at- gmail.com, embedded in the message. We'll give you an attribution and link to your web page or biography.
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